An Open Letter from the U.S. Peace Council to All Our Friends and Comrades in the Peace Movement

Dear Friends and Comrades in Peace, As you are well aware, our world is at a critically dangerous juncture: the possibility of a military, potentially a nuclear, confrontation between NATO, led by... Read more »

Ukraine: Are We Still Under the Spell of Cold War Propaganda?

U.S. Peace Council, February 11, 2015 — Today its [the military’s] task is to expand the “zones of democratic peace;” to deter the rise or a new great-power competitor…. The Balkans, and... Read more »

Ukraine Analysis — Resurgence of Fascism

Peter Gehl | Saskatchewan Peace News | June 2014 | “Fascism/nazism is a terrible evil, and if it is not immediately stopped, it will keep growing and sprawling like cancer.” ― T.... Read more »

Japan Council Against A & H Bombs: “Stop Abe Cabinet’s Maneuvers to Allow the Exercise of the Right to Collective Self-Defense and Make Japan a War-Fighting Country by Turning Article 9 of the Constitution to a Dead Letter”

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on May 15 announced his clear intention to step forward for enabling Japan to exercise the right to collective self-defense and engage in war-fighting by changing the official... Read more »

Statement of the WPC Regarding the Massacre of Odessa and the Developments in the Ukraine

The WPC denounces strongly the recent massacre of Odessa where reactionary fascist groups set on fire the locked Trade Union building of the city with hundreds of protesters seeking protection inside the... Read more »

U.S-Instigated Violent Coup Against Ukraine — Take Action to Expose the Lies!

|March 16, 2014| Once again the U.S. establishment is promoting another violent coup d’état as a democratic uprising. Troops are moving, planes are flying, ships are advancing, war threats are being thrown.... Read more »

Who’s Lying? Brennan, Obama, or Both?

| By Ray McGovern | September 6, 2013 | Note: Despite the Obama administration’s supposedly “high confidence” regarding Syrian government guilt over the Aug. 21 chemical attack near Damascus, a dozen former U.S.... Read more »

Agrarian Strike in Colombia Triggers Military Repression, Political Explosion

| By W. T. Whitney Jr. | September 2, 2013 |   The current agrarian strike in Colombia follows an earlier one in Catatumbo department where small farmers mobilized for land and sustainable... Read more »