The U.S. Peace Council Salutes the People of Venezuela for their Victory in the Presidential Election

July 30, 2024

The U.S. Peace Council congratulates the people of Venezuela who have successfully conducted a free and fair election continuing the Bolivarian Revolution by reelecting President Nicolas Maduro.

This is a victory for an independent and sovereign Venezuela, resisting the egregious interference in the electoral process by the U.S., which has imposed punishing unilateral coercive measures in a failed attempt to force regime change.

The Venezuelans have stood up and, in the words of their reelected president, have collectively said “we are not a colony” to the U.S. Their victory is a victory for all peoples and nations oppressed by the imperialists.

Washington, its sycophantic allies, and its funded opposition within Venezuela seek to reverse the advances made by the Bolivarian Revolution by delegitimizing the electoral outcome by crying fraud. They declared that that they would not accept the results of the election even before the process started.

In some thirty elections in the quarter century history of the Bolivarian Revolution, only two of those elections were won by the opposition. These the opposition celebrated. The rest they cried fraud and disregarded the mandate of the people in favor of the dictates of Washington.

Four leading members of the U.S. Peace council had the privilege of being among the 910 international invitees, representing over 100 countries, who observed the July 28th election. We saw how the meticulous electoral process is fraud proof.

The renewal and reaffirmation of the Bolivarian project by the electorate reflects the successful resistance by a stalwart and unflinching political leadership under Nicolas Maduro in partnership with an engaged populace. Both were necessary for the successful electoral victory.

Together, the people and their democratically elected government endured the blockade by the US and its allies that denied the country food, fuel, and medicine. Together they were able to turn around an economy that was deliberately precipitated into free fall. Today, Venezuela has a projected GDP growth that is amongst the highest in the hemisphere; nearly twice that of the U.S.

The U.S. Peace Council expresses its firm solidarity with the people of Venezuela and condemns all U.S. imperialism’s attempts to interrupt and hinder the progress of their Bolivarian Revolution.

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